Tuesday 3 December 2013

Journal #3: Portrait and Lighting

For this journal entry you will be uploading your best photo shoot portrait with an artist statement. Remember, try to take creative shots that will capture the twinkle of your subject's eyes!

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Grade 12 Journal #2

Grade 12 Journal #2

Post your best shot of your texture assignment. Be sure to add your artist's statement with your photo.

Grade 11 Journal #2

Grade 11 Journal #2

Post your best shot from your Motion Photo Shoot. Be sure to add your artist's statement with your photo.

Thursday 12 September 2013

Grade 12 Journal #1

A Day In the Life of....

For your first journal you will be taking pictures that deal with your daily life. These will be things that occur from the minute you wake up to when you hit the sack at night. Here is what you need to do:

- Take a minimum of 15 pictures, all of which will be posted on your blog.
- implementation of your design and composition rules in every shot you take.
- 1 shot with a high ISO
- 1 shot with a low ISO
- 1 shot with a high aperture/low shutter speed
- 1 shot with a low aperture/high shutter speed
- For each photo posted you will be explaining the composition/design, the technical aspects of the shot i.e. high ISO, and what exactly you are doing.
- Pick your favorite photo and add an artists statement to it on your blog.

Remember, you don't have to take these all of the photos in one day. You can stretch them out over the course of a week.
Grade 11 Journal #1

The Story of Your Culture

You have all heard the expression "a picture tells a thousand words". Well, with this assignment you will be telling the story of your background and culture through the photos you will take. For this journal you will take 10 photographs that have something to do with your family background. Be sure to follow these guidelines:

- take 10 photos
- implement the principles of design into every photo you take and explain it in one to two sentences in your blog.
-write one to two sentences on how the photo relates to your culture or background. This will aslo be done in your blog, below each photo.
- You will pick your favorite photo out of the ones you shot and post it with an artist's statement explaining the piece.

Good Luck and Happy Shooting!!

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Welcome to Photography!

This is my first blog dedicated to your 11 and 12 photography course. From here on in you will be creating a daily journal with regards to your photography experiences. This site is also where you will be handing in and posting many of your assignments.

So enjoy the year, and get your fingers in shape to snap a ton of pictures! Let's have a great semester!

B. McMath